When you are watching a video on diets or food or fitness your first confirmation from the profile is he or she is a doctor, nutrition expert. If you cannot search in Google and follow the video on nutrition then you can get very bad results because that video is for earning not for granting excellent health.
When we were young we were told home food is healthy food and sometime around the 90s came a
breakfast revolution corn flakes made their way to our tables this was the new healthy then came green
tea it was followed by quinoa oats smoothies kale
and seeds so many of them chia sunflower pumpkin flax sesame hemp they planted themselves on our dinner tables and cluttered it and slowly replaced traditional home-cooked meals that's okay we were told it is healthy enter 2020 the Wuhan virus pandemic soon healthy alone was marketable enough immunity became the new sales pitch so lades milkshakes ice creams everything started promising immunity.
i'm a doctor but my logic and experience tells me that we are being fooled in the name of health and wellness why don't you open your instagram search for health and wellness you'll find million posts the search word health leads to 122 million posts healthy 161 million posts healthy living 30.5 million did you know that pinterest now has a category called protein that's the level of obsession with the idea of health i'm all for being healthy what i'm against is the flawed idea of health the one that instagram teaches us we are told slim is healthy and healthy is slim you see we humans have never been more insecure about our bodies than we are today and this mindset is not helping us the only thing it's helping is the market the global health and wellness industry is currently worth trillion dollars it represents 5.3 percent of the global economic output how did it get here by selling our shortcuts to becoming thin sorry healthy let me give you an example green tea the highest selling wellness product as of 2019 the global green tea market was worth 18.4 billion dollars this tea is considered the elixir to health three cups of green tea a day and you're super human you can burn fat prevent diabetes improve your brain functions and prevent cancer really if green tea could prevent cancer our cancer researchers would be vacationing in tuscany with a glass of fine red wine green tea can not make you lose weight trust me i've tried it what it can do is improve your metabolism which by the way almost any tea can black blue oolong match a English breakfast earl grey duke of Northampton coming to green teas antioxidant properties well science says that the tea flavones in black tea and the catechins in green tea are equally effective so should you drink green tea sure but don't count on it for losing weight here's what else you should not count on gluten free these products are such a fad wellness bloggers tell us that gluten free is the secret to becoming healthy.
what does science say gluten is a mixture of proteins like gliadin, where is it found in carbohydrates wheat barley rye are any of these bad for our health no they aren't there is no need for us to buy gluten-free products unless we have celiac disease or are gluten sensitive less than five percent of the UK's population has a problem with gluten but 12 percent of the population has gone gluten-free
celiac disease affects roughly one percent of the American population but 20 percent of America is trying to eat gluten-free is it helping in weight loss the answer is simply
losing weight is a game of calories you need to burn more than you consume you need to reach a calorie deficit which you can by eating junk fried food McDonald’s pizzas cookies pecking duck as for health gluten-free is not helping
us it is taking away the much-needed carbs who is it helping an average gluten-free product is 242 percent more expensive than their variant that contains gluten in three years the global gluten-free market is expected to touch 6.47 billion dollars by 2027 it is projected to cross 43.65 billion dollars here's what else is fooling us these cartons most of us have had cow milk all our lives but now we're being told that cow milk makes us fat.
Instagram influencers too are selling this idea why so that these alternatives find a place in your fridge the global almond milk market is expected to reach 13.3 billion dollars by 2025 soy milk market 23.2 billion dollars apparently they're healthier than cow milk is there science behind it composition wise there is no proof that soy or almond milk is healthier than cow milk when it comes to nutrition density and protein content cow milk wins the race clearly this is the healthier option there is no need to pick up that soy or almond milk carton unless you're vegan or lactose intolerant here's another product protein powder these tubs are as heavy as dumble and they cost as much as gold youtubers say go for it it's worth the investment well they are being paid to say so but why are we drinking these what you need to understand is protein powder is a supplement it comes into play if you fail to reach your daily protein goal for a woman it's 46 grams for a man it's 56 you can meet this target by eating eggs nuts milk chicken soy chunks and even if you do not hit that 46 or 56 gram mark every day of the week you will not be prosecuted there is no need to spend a fortune on these protein powders that is unless you want to contribute to its 5.28 billion dollar market those selling protein powders will not tell you about the risk associated with it what are its long-term effects no one knows these products are too new here's what else is not necessarily healthy brown alternatives rice bread sugar off late we tend to prefer them to the white variants that did sound racist it was totally unintended nutrition wise the difference between brown rice and white rice is negligible wise the difference is hefty you know what else is not your health buff healthy snack low cal fat free baked not fried air fried cholesterol free none of these claims matter ingredients to many low-fat snacks have added sugar they hide controversial ingredients under technical names I’ll give you examples in Europe it will be hard to find msg on ingredient list it will be masked under e621 carrageen and will be called e407 you will also find that many ready-made yogurts have as much sugar as a candy bar the so-called protein bars have all kinds of unhealthy ingredients vegetable chips they can be as bad as your potato chips which technically is also vegetable did you know a product is allowed to label itself trans fat free if it adheres to the 0.5 gram cap welcome to false advertising here's another one vitamin water it claims to be healthier than soda vitamin plus water equals to all you need what most of us need is a reality check eight teaspoons of sugar advertisement packaging advice they can all be bought turns out studies too are up for grabs did you know that the sugar industry funded a research that downplayed the risk of sugar and painted fat as the devil this was in the 1960s we found out about it only recently beverage company bom wonderful paid 35 million dollars for studies that claimed bomb products could prevent the risk of heart diseases and prostate cancer coca-cola paid scientists too for what to push the message that exercise was a more effective weight loss tool than cutting down on food and drinks so the next time a product claims it is healthy and backs its claims with studies take it with a pinch of salt when wellness bloggers lifestyle influencers or fitness you tubers tell you to buy a certain magic tea or go gluten free or blend your spinach raw into the smoothie remember they make anything between 200 to 650 per post for endorsing a product what do you get by buying them except maybe develop orthopraxis that's the term for obsession with eating healthy food you see social media and its target marketing is a danger to public health a lot of us have fallen for it many of us have recovered years of healthy food obsession and spending a fortune later here's what i have concluded home food is health food home food is the only tried and tested super food if you want to lose weight aim for a calorie deficit if you want to be healthy eat a balanced diet remember food is not your enemy self-doubt and false advertising.