Why then should people do take vitamin C every day?
The most important vitamin needed is Vitamin C.
According to a story in USA Today, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention voiced worry that people are not getting enough of the vitamins and minerals that are the foundation of a healthy human body and offered some solutions.
What makes vitamin C essential?
Vitamin C is a nutrient that is water soluble and helps to build collagen in the bones, muscles, and blood vessels. Moreover, it defends the body from illnesses and sun radiation, boosting the immune system. It aids in iron storage as well.
According to Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health epidemiology and nutrition professor Walter Willett, MD, vitamin C supports healthy immune function and strong tissues. According to director of nutritional and lifestyle psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital and author of "This is Your Brain on Food," this vitamin is necessary for the production of neurotransmitters in the brain, which support the maintenance of mood and cognition. She also emphasized how important antioxidants are for maintaining the body's overall energy levels, mood, and mental wellness.
Those who are advised to take vitamin C.
Smokers, people with gastrointestinal issues or malignancies, and those who consume alcohol all lack sufficient Vitamin C. Youngsters who do not consume a diet high in this vitamin also struggle with insufficient levels. A significant deficiency could result in scurvy, tiredness, gum bleeding, and joint pain. Individuals with deficiencies frequently experience infections and may experience delayed wound healing.
What advantages come with taking a vitamin C supplement?
Although there are many foods that are high in vitamin C, individuals often consume it through oral supplements, which are typically in the form of chew able tablets.
According to research, taking a daily vitamin C supplement can boost the body's antioxidant levels by up to 30%, protecting it from dangerous substances. It can also help with managing high blood pressure, iron deficiency, and chronic and cardiac diseases.
Is daily vitamin C consumption beneficial to health?
The Recommended Dietary Amount (RDA) for vitamin C for adults is 90 mg for men aged 19 and over but 75 mg for women. The recommended daily dose for women who are nursing or pregnant is 85 mg. Smokers should also take an additional 35 mg beyond the recommended amount.
While highlighting the excessive intake of vitamins that may result in intoxication, Willet and Naidoo have said that because it is water soluble and intoxication instances are extremely uncommon, it is reasonably safe from other vitamins and minerals. Nevertheless, nausea, kidney stones, and diarrhea are signs of consuming too much vitamin C.
Where does vitamin C come from?
Vitamin C is abundant in citrus fruits like oranges, berries, potatoes, tomatoes, lemons, cucumber, and cabbage. Brussels sprouts are considered one of the great sources of Vitamin C contains 75 mg of Vitamin C whilst the other rich source of broccoli has 80 milligrammes in it. Willet advises eating fruits and vegetables as part of a balanced diet to receive enough Vitamin C.
Sources of vitamin C in food.
The main sources of vitamin C in the American diet are citrus fruits, tomatoes, tomato juice, and potatoes [8]. Red and green peppers, kiwifruit, broccoli, strawberries, Brussels sprouts, and cantaloupe are other healthy dietary options.