, pork or mutton, etc. is called red meat. According to medical experts, most heart and blood disorders are caused by them. Similarly, diseases like cancer are directly or indirectly linked to red meat.
1. Red meat
2. White meat
Red meat includes the meat of mammals such as cows, buffaloes, ewes, goats, etc. (Note: Do not take this "etc" to mean donkey). By the way, people consider beef and buffalo meat as big meat and goat or dumb as small meat. Taking advantage of this, their butcher brother fools them by calling the meat of a cut (buffalo calf) small meat.
White meat is found in fish, poultry, and other birds. For the friends of Gujranwala, even the meat of innocents.
The red color of the meat is not due to excess shame but due to a special type of protein, myoglobin. It is like the hemoglobin in the blood and holds oxygen and iron together.
Due to its low content in fish and bird meat, its color tends to be whitish, whereas in cow or goat, etc., its content is quite high, due to which the meat of these animals is reddish.
If red and white meat are compared on the scales of advantages and disadvantages, then people think that red meat is very harmful and white meat is very beneficial. This is quite true, but red meat, if used properly, has its advantages, but its disadvantages cannot be overlooked.
By the way, many multinational companies involved in the meat trade seem to be in favor of processed meat, but we are responsibly telling you that fresh meat is much better than processed meat. ۔
A healthy person can consume up to 90 grams of red meat in a day. Never use more than this amount, otherwise, you will cause a reasonable income to the hospital staff and poor health will remain poor.