What are the superfoods for male hormones when I say male hormones you know what I'm
talking about right it's a male 6 hormones mean it's androgen and testosterone?
All right let's get in there male 6 hormones basically chemical it's uh secreted from your gland and gets into the bloodstream and goes acts on your target organs to complete its function that's the journey of a hormone we have got a lot of common hormones in both male and female right the hot ones are produced from your many parts in your body like glands produce hormones all the hormones are being controlled by your heart gland in your brain in the hypothalamus we have a hormone called uh different hormones that are secreted by a gland called pituitary gland okay it's in the base of your brain that hormone controls the all the other hormones from your body so when i say male 6 hormones androgen and testosterone right androgen is the male sex hormone it is responsible for a person becoming a sexually mature adult to reproduce and testosterone is the most important androgen male sex hormone to have a normal and healthy reproductive and sexual life and function when i say reproductive on sexual life and sexual function i'm talking about puberty right this testosterone is essential for physical changes that takes place at puberty in terms of enlargement of penis or facial hair and body hair and bone and muscle growth and everything so testosterone is produced from your testis that is why it is called testosterone right so which cell produces a testosterone is laggy cells in your testis that produces this testosterone and these testicles are guarded by your scrotal sac because these testicles should be kept in a ideal temperature to produce or destrotestosterone and thereby it increases your sperm count see there are certain things are veryessential and comes to sperm sperm volume is very important and each and every sperm health is important and motility is important because motility is very important if the sperm's modulus is not good if it's so lazy if it's not active it's not good right and the validity is important so volume health of each and every sperm motility and availability so all four things are very very important and we have this testosterone natural testosterone and does all this job and how are we going to improve it how are we going to promote the further secretion of testosterone thereby it improves your sexual life under sexual production and other things right we've got some super foods here number one on the list is what we have this is dark chocolate this dark chocolate you know many women love dark chocolate eating doctor they keep eating dark chocolate every day many women love that and this dark chocolate contains l-arginine l-arginine is considered to be uh one of the most important factors or to promote of uh nucleic acid synthesis and uh this is a sperm motility and a virility so consider eating a dark chocolate before you hit the bed at night instead of going for a nice dessert have some dark chocolate so that will help your motility of your thumb and what we have on the list next is eggs one of the uh one of the complete foods what we have right eggs contain almost everything in a minimal amount it contains some vitamins minerals and trace elements in trace elements zinc is considered as one of the most important trace elements for sexual and reproductive function and sexual reproductive health third is a berries when it comes to berries each and every berry is important and among those berries goji berries is considered to be one of the most important berries for increasing your sperm volume and it also it is also rich in antioxidants when any fruits or when any dry fruits are seeds rich in antioxidants you can consider this antioxidants is going to be fighting against his free radicals free radicals are very bad okay they are going to kill your own cells so these antioxidants kill these free radical scavengers and protect your sperms so go remember this goji berries in your mind and the fourth is the most common one is a bananas bananas contain a vitamin b magnesium and an enzyme called bromelain when I when it comes to trace elements zinc magnesium and selenium are all very essential for for for sperm production and motility okay you also need to have a good volume and the healthy sperms and motivity and variability if one has got enough volume and not uh not a healthy barriers or not motel barriers it's equal to you know almost nothing right so that's why i'm saying so focus on these fruits okay and number five what we have is a garlic garlic is not a fruit but is many people use garlic for lowering blood cholesterol and thereby reduces first of all garlic contains some addison and selenium as i mentioned before this allison is one of the antioxidants and it fight against his free radical scavengers and promotes and promotes the temperature that is required for the testicles to produce testosterone so that it indirectly promotes the uh promotes the development of sperm and the volume of sperm as well and we have spinach anything appears green is very very healthy spinach is rich in folic acid and again in turn folic acid is very very essential for uh this nucleic acid metabolism dna and rna this folic acid you need this folic acid for cell development and cell maturation and that's where it comes uh for us sperm maturation okay when the sperm is mature it can go out and actually do its job okay and the list what we have is asparagus many people you know don't eat asparagus but asparagus is a plant it's a it's packed with a vitamin c vitamin c is very essential for in this process of stone production volume and motility and virility and uh and maintaining ideal temperature are on the scrotal side and of course we have as walnuts walnut is rich in omega-3 so anything any good facts or are are good for uh testosterone secretion and then turn your sperm function and we have hosters as oysters you know many indian people don't eat oysters but in people in western countries they do like oyster and the oyster is a damn good source of glycogen and taurine and it has also got a zinc and selenium as well as i said before antioxidants you know do this miracle and fight against these free radical scavengers and improve the motility volume of sperm under virility as well okay and uh we have next is ashwagandha this ancient the the great uh aphrodisiac they have been using this in cooking process since ages is ashwagandha and uh what they claim is that uh this improves uh sperm motility more if if this is given to someone who has got a low sexual low sex drive under the libido who have a low sex trial this astro gandha improves their sex drive and indirectly improves the sperm quality and motility as well and next we have what we have is pomegranate pomegranates again it it increases your sex drive it can be uh taken as juice or you can eat a raw fruits it's insane pomegranate uh this has got antioxidant properties antioxidants when the sperms are and sperms are produced when the sperms are out in these um when the support is out when they go and try to reach the egg it needs a penetration right so for that we need the reality is very important pomegranates improves the variety of sperms okay and that's why pomegranate is very very important in sexual life pumpkin seeds pumpkin seeds of course it has this rich in antioxidants phytosterols and amino acids and boost your sperm health and virility and and it helps uh it helps each uh it helps its sperm to penetrate the layer of eggs to get in there we have millions of sperms attack one egg and finally one sperm succeeds to get in there and this pumpkin seeds are really helpful in in this process and what we have on the list next is carrots are filled with beta carotenes and antioxidants and helps in this uh process of helping more sperm volume health of each and every sperm and motility