I want to talk about how to repair an old weak damaged immune system when you age what happens is your immune system starts going downhill you have fewer natural killer cells which means you cannot eliminate viruses as well as you did when you're in your 20s you're not going to be able to get rid of the tumor cells as efficiently your b-cells go down so that means your antibodies go down so your immune system loses the memory so it doesn't remember past pathogens so it's not as prepared so your immune system is a bit weaker
also, you lose your t-cells and that's like a really important part of
your immune system with killing off microbes preventing autoimmune diseases decreasing inflammation after an infection and also the quantity of phagocytes won't be there like it was so you just have less of these cells eating bacteria and cleaning up stuff so you can see that age really creates a huge impact on the immune system and so if you also like myself had a long history of taking antibiotics as a child or a teenager or adult that can greatly weaken your immune system as you get older and then if you have chemotherapy that just kills the immune system or steroids now this was me in my 20s I had really bad poison ivy every single season in the fall I would be exposed to poison ivy even if I didn't even touch it I could be three feet away and I would get poisoned I'd be really bad to the point where it even got in my eye at my face and so I had to take steroids every year I don't know probably eight to nine years in a row so that created a weakness within my immune system so if you are on prednisone or had a history of taking steroids that can really suppress the immune system and not to mention pre-existing health problems that weakened immune system and also living under chronic stress can weaken the immune system now probably the most important thing that can strengthen your immune system is to be breastfed but if
you're like me that's not going to happen anymore so next best thing is to
take a supplement called colostrum okay this isn't a powder form and colostrum is very special in that it's like the first milk that's released and so it's rich in antibodies and other immune building factors and sovereign labs which is a really good company I'm not affiliated with them and
I don't get a commission they produce very high-quality
colostrum and it's in a powdered form and it's from cows it's grass-fed cows organic and the version I would recommend is the colostrum LD this is a version of colostrum that they use with special technology to encapsulate it in little lipid wrappers so it can pass through the acidity of the stomach and survive and so it's like 15 times more effective than other types of colostrum is rich in antibodies which greatly help your immune system it has lactoferrin which controls iron it has growth factors this is why a lot of athletes consume colostrum because they find that it can actually increase their performance in their muscle mass and it can help them in overall strength but one of the biggest things the classroom does is help the intestinal permeability to prevent leaky gut and even if you have a leaky gut it can actually help those junctions become really tight and strong to prevent pathogens from invading it,
So a lot of problems can occur if you have a leaky gut allergy autoimmune diseases so this is a very powerful remedy to support the internal layer of your intestines now I do want to mention one thing about colostrum is that if you do have a weakened immune system and you take too much of this you may turn on an immune reaction so I recommend you take a very small amount and then test the water so I'm talking like 1/4 of a teaspoon okay just a little bit maybe a little water before you go to bed and see what happens because if you take a full spoon you might end up feeling a little groggy maybe a little mucus reaction maybe some immune reaction so start off very small and gradually increase it and if you have a reaction back off until that's come completely cleared up and then start back the fact that you have a reaction means that you need it you just need to take it in very tiny amounts at first
some people might even need like 1/8 of a teaspoon if they're very sensitive alright number two acids we want to acidify the stomach we want to make sure the large intestine has lactic acid which will decrease the pathogens in the body because one thing that kills pathogens is acid and so in our stomachs we need how to chloric acid and our large intestine we need lactic acid so you'd want to take betaine how to chloride that's help build up your stomach acid sea salt will help from the chlorides make sure you don't neglect that some other things that you can do is take fulvic acid which is really good for your system and also kombucha tea that would be very beneficial and even probiotics like lactobacillus so then it can actually make the lactic acid that you need very important when you wipe out the flora the intestinal friendly bacteria you greatly diminish the immune system so that's like really really important all right number three fermented foods can help with the immune system so start to consume things like sauerkraut kimchi very important prebiotics that would be like vegetable fibers that would be beneficial so your microbes have something to eat and then probiotics which I just mentioned I think anyone over the age of 60 should be taking a good probiotic okay number four fasting extremely powerful on the immune system I'll put a link down below of a video I did on that but fasting can strengthen your immune system.
There's even indications that you can literally rejuvenate a very weakened immune system by fasting on a routine basis and I'm talking about intermittent fasting but also periodic prolonged fasting alright were five sleeping because it increases melatonin melatonin is a very powerful hormone that can help your immune system so make sure that you do what you can to increase melatonin through sleep don't take this as a supplement though because over time your body can then resist that at number six of course the obvious lower carbs because the sugar weakens immune system most of the people that are dying from COVID-19 have metabolic diseases diabetes things that are related to carbohydrates and high insulin so you want to not just do keto you want to do the healthy version of keto to make sure the quality of nutrients are there as well and then number seven very important keep your stress as low as possible I'm telling you because if you're under a stress date your immune system literally goes to sleep it becomes paralyzed it cannot work and then if you have grandkids or you're thinking about having a baby make sure that you breastfeed that baby because breastfeeding is the most important thing to do for a long-term healthy immune system also exposing your child.
to germs very very important children that are not exposed to germs that live in this hyper-clean environment don't really develop your immune system so very very important and also don't suppress the immune system if you actually get an infection a lot of times parents will start giving the child medication and aspirin and things right off the bat when they should probably let the child go through the infection and let the immune system recover because as soon as you start to like drop the fever with certain medications you actually prolong the infection and a weakened immune system all right there we have it how to repair an old damaged immune system hey we're back with another amazing
recipe no grains no sugar totally keto there's no suffering on keto absolutely not Karen and it's an immune system builder absolutely you have to check this out I think you should hurry up watch the recipe and make it yourself it's just so easy to be keto but is it
simple it's super simple we hope you enjoy making it as much as we are enjoying eating it