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Pregnant Woman Nutrition.

Writer's picture: Dr.Abdul Wahab Athmer KhelDr.Abdul Wahab Athmer Khel

Foundational knowledge in nutrition and it relates to genetics so many people think that well you know bad genes and there's nothing I can do about it we just have to cope with it but first of all you can control your genes through what's called epigenetics.

I have a lot of information on that and that has to do with just lifestyle changes right because the genes can turn on and off based on what happens in your environment but what I want to talk about is the deeper cause of genetic malformations.

The link between human and animal health and the mineral balance in the soil is fascinating I'm on chapter 16 and it's talking about the diet of the

mother and malformation of the child so I want to read a couple of quotes right here almost all malformations observed in man have been reproduced in laboratory experiments with rats by altering the mother's diet during pregnancy a diet deficient in folic acid produces virtually all known types of abnormalities in the hearts arteries and

veins of baby rats.

so a lot of these malformations can be reproduced if you create a deficiency in the diet so i have a question when do you think the most important time to eat healthy would be if your answer was when you're pregnant you are correct because the fetus the growing baby that is developing is completely dependent on the nutrients of the mother and if there's just one thing missing it can create a devastating chain reaction effect.

In their future existence and I'm talking about behavior talking about intelligence I'm talking about the structure like if someone is born with flat feet

scoliosis hunchback whatever or dental malformations or some malformation in the shape of their face it's all dependent on the nutrients the

nutrients especially trace minerals are essential for enzymes and proteins to work and I'm not just talking about metabolism and building a body but I'm

also talking about the repair enzymes within your genes are basically blueprints right to allow certain cellular machinery to take that information and then build healthy tissue you have actually two different sets of proofreading machines that actually go through a very fast rate and they're scanning your DNA which are the blueprints for errors.

At least five different repair proteins or enzymes that we know about there could be more that are in a constant repair action to repair any errors that occurred in this code and all of these repair enzymes are dependent on micronutrients like

folate like zinc cobalt that makes B12 copper which is another trace mineral that makes vitamin c iron and if I didn't mention iodine I'll mention it again iodine it's a huge connection between iodine and

a child's intelligence and then we have manganese there's great information on the relationship between a manganese deficiency and a structural problem that could develop in a body then you also have calcium deficiency which could come from a vitamin D deficiency and then we have selenium.

which helps makeup vitamin e and so all these

nutrients are just so vital to be available when someone is pregnant as well as when they're breastfeeding and now of course if they're not breastfeeding, of course, they're probably put on a formula which I don't even want to get into that topic at this point but unfortunately, the formulas are soy-based and I mean they actually talk about the worst ingredient to give a child especially when they're developing is soy because of its estrogen effect I mean if you even think about another cause of genetic alteration you have um toxins right you have what's called endocrine disruptors.

The definition of an endocrine disruptor is any chemical or toxin that mimics estrogen and we know that certain things in our environment like even soy can increase estrogen and you shouldn't be giving someone that early in life so much estrogen but that's a whole different topic basically in this article i want to talk about just the relationship between micronutrients and your genes and the importance of getting these micronutrients in your diet especially at an early age now there's some other additional information i want to share with you in fact i'm going to read it off right now.

In this study entitled micronutrients and genomic

stability and basically this is about stabilizing your genes with micronutrients a new paradigm for recommending dietary allowances the rdas diet as a key factor in determining genomic stability is more important than previously imagined because we now know it impacts on all relevant pathways namely exposure to dietary carcinogens activation detoxification of carcinogens DNA repair DNA synthesis so in other words, we have not given

these macronutrients enough emphasis on their importance in making sure that our genes are stable so you have certain genetic defects that you might be born with right but you also have genetic mutations and genetic mutations can occur this life so a genetic mutation is a as a change in your code that can occur from either being exposed to a toxin this life or having some micronutrient deficiency this life in fact there's data which I'm going to put all this research down below that demonstrates nutritional deficiencies can mimic radiation damage to your DNA that's mind-blowing so deficiencies in folate B12 vitamin C iron especially zinc iodine manganese selenium if you're deficient in those that deficiency can mimic actual damage of your DNA now you wouldn't actually think of a missing element causing damage because it's missing and you don't really look for things that are missing you might think more of like radiation toxicity things like that but micronutrient deficiency is a very important thing so getting back to this book for a second he's going into deficiencies of copper.

In the soil can cause various problems in the animals that eat the grass and they've actually taken like lambs and they've moved them into different pastures with certain nutrients present and these certain problems disappear so this leads me to our actual food you know if your food is grown on soils that are missing certain nutrients it could have devastating effects the problem now is farmers use three minerals not okay n nitrogen p phosphorus and k potassium but what about all the other 90 plus

minerals or trace minerals or elements that you need in the soil that is an area that I'm very interested in that's an area that I'm doing research now on a

farm where I'm actually doing all sorts of experiments in fact recently I've just done an experiment spraying all of our grass with a very unique type of ocean water without so much of the

sodium chloride because that can be toxic to the grass so we're doing experiments.

Fortify the soil with all the micronutrients and limit the fungal infections to the plants and it can actually greatly enhance the health of an animal which then

enhances the health of humans that eat the animals.

The nutrients in our body provide us with stable

genes that then we can grow healthy bodies on so again I want to emphasize the importance of making sure that someone who's pregnant gets the right

nutrition not some synthetic prenatal but the actual diet eating food very nutrient-dense as well as fortifying the woman who's breastfeeding as well

that's very very important and hopefully, she will breastfeed because the formulas out there are just so deficient in nutrients I mean they actually talk about folic acid is so important in preventing birth defects but what about all the other micronutrients and also in the right form something missing in the diet can leave the child with permanent problems in their future health and that

leads me to the next question what is the diet of a child nowadays well unfortunately it's ultra-processed food it's not just junk food it's really bad junk food in fact 67 of their calories are ultra-processed junk food now does this have an effect

on the child well what do you think in a major way all right next question and please type this in the comments below because I want to read this at what age did you start eating healthy for me it was 28 years old yeah 28 years old I'm actually 35 now so that's it's been some years and I'm being very sarcastic because I'm in my 50s.

i want to encourage you to do that and also encourage any female who is pregnant to start eating healthy immediately and also get the right micronutrients and I'm not biased about my micronutrients but I will do a plug for my trace minerals because trace minerals are involved in so many different biochemical pathways and it's such an easy thing to provide trace minerals in a blended form versus to try to take individual trace minerals one by one not being sure if you're getting the right balance and I think out of all the vitamins and minerals trace minerals are kind of like the most ignored because I think people don't understand what they do and they don't understand that our food nowadays is deficient in micronutrients unless they're consuming nutrient-dense foods and then you have a woman who's pregnant they go to the doctor and the doctor

monitors the growth of this developing baby right

but they're not looking at the diet they're not measuring any deficiencies they're unfortunately just not trained in nutrition.

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