A peptic ulcer is a common issue today and restricts people from eating because of ulcers and it is becoming a challenge to dietary intake.
What we can do when we are suffering and what can we do to prevent the occurrence of peptic ulcers from those that are healthy.
Occurrence of source or wounds along the inner lining of the stomach of the small intestines and this eventually makes the digestive juices come into contact with the tissues of the stomach or the tissues of the small intestine.
The digestive juices contain hydrochloric acid which is very concentrated and has pepsin inside, this acid now causes corrosion on those tissues on those cells and will feel no pain because of that lack of the protective barrier that would have otherwise prevented these digestive juices from coming in contact with the tissues of the stomach.
Gordon if the ulcers are occurring in the stomach it's called gastric ulcers and when it is occurring in the small intestine it's called ordinal ulcers.
Sometimes the pain can go even up aside towards the esophagus so what are some of the causes of peptic ulcers the number one cause of peptic ulcer is a bacteria called helicobacter pylori this is a bacteria
That only one is infected with it colonizes the stomach or the small intestine it corrodes the inner lining of the small intestine and the stomach resulting in inflammation or pain.
there are types of drugs that are called nonsteroidal inflammatory anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin among others these drugs also contain chemicals that when taken in excess amount or over a long period of time make the inner lining of the stomach on the intestine wear out and that now exposes the tissues to the gastric juices and then also number three alcohol concentrated alcohol has been associated as number one risk factor.
When you take concentrated alcohol over a long period of time it also results in wearing down of that inner lining and also it inhibits or impairs the recovery process for someone who is already suffering from peptic ulcers some of the signs and symptoms of peptic ulcers include number one there is a burning pain between the navel and the breast bone you will hear that person complaining of pain between the navel and the breast bone number two there is vomiting or nausea the patient feels nauseated even after eating they want to throw up and also they also complain of back pain at times and there is loss of appetite which eventually leads into weight loss some of them will even say they are filling a particular planet.
when they just take anti-acid they feel well that is just to show that that uh drug is an anti-acid it helps to neutralize the excess acid that has gotten into the stomach or into the small intestine as a result of these digestive juices getting into contact with the tissues or cells of the stomach.
What are the complications of ulcers is a very serious disease and when left unattended too it can result in more complications like it can cause bleeding because the inner lining has broken so and the tissues are already being attacked by these digestive juices so it can result in bleeding.
It can also cause gastric outlet obstruction that is the pathway between the stomach and the small intestine can be blocked and number three it can lead to proliferation that is an opening or a hole through the stomach and these things are unhealthy they may need more medical attention or they could even cause death.
so who is at risk of getting peptic ulcers number one anybody who is infected by helicobacter pylori which we are saying is the bacteria that causes peptic ulcers such a person is at risk of getting peptic ulcers disease number two a person who uses alcohol concentrated alcohol over a long period of time is also making the inner lining of the small intestine to get weak over and over and that could be a bigger risk for getting peptic ulcers disease number three if someone is on drugs that we are calling non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin over a long period of time such also drugs makes the inner lining to wear out due to their chemical composition and lastly if someone is having a family history of answers there are chances that they could also get peptic answers what is the nutrition management or nutrition care for peptic ulcers disease number one we need to know that when
Someone is suffering from peptic ulcers they should avoid foods that would irritate the stomach or the
small intestines.
these are foods for example which are spiced foods that are fatty such things would irritate the stomach or the small intestine so such a patient should avoid that kind of foods number two the person should eat small frequent meals about six times in a day rather than three lunch meals as some a healthy person would just eat breakfast lunches supper three large ways but someone with
says they would rather eat small frequent meals totaling to about six meals in a day,
This person should avoid foods that are acidic, for example, citrus fruits. Such things would even increase the pH to be more acidic because we are trying to avoid the acidity so such a person should avoid foods that are acidic. Another important point is that this person should eat a blunt diet.
when we say a blood diet we mean the food should be chemically blunt chemically bland refers to it doesn't have chemical spices things that will irritate the stomach or the small intestine then mechanically blend this is food that is soft so that there will be not much strain to digest this kind of food so it should be cooked well to ensure it is mechanically bland in other words it is soft.
it should be thermally bland when we say thermally blunt we mean that this food is not too hot or it is not too cold so thermally blank chemically blunt mechanically blunt this person also should avoid or limit the intake of carbonated drinks and also alcohol and this person is encouraged to take vegetables and fruits that are well cooked that are soft and well chopped and also those that are not acidic so which foods are recommended for someone with peptic ulcers disease number one milk and milk beverages milk is highly recommended because the proteins in it have a buffering effect, in other words, they cause balancing of the ph in the stomach and in the small
intestine that's preventing it from being acidic too acidic another food that is recommended is bread and rice they are also recommended someone with
ulcer concealed brain cancer rice can even still take potio someone with as can also take chicken they can take meat they can take fish as long as it is not spiced and it's not cooked with a lot of fats and that it is also soft so that digestion can be easy fruits and vegetables are also recommended just make sure that they are not acidic like I gave you an example of citrus fruit just make sure they're not acidic and also make sure for the case of vegetables they are well cooked so that they are soft to avoid that mechanical straining during digestion and which foods are not recommended the foods that are not recommended for someone with peptic ulcer. is carbonated drinks also tea and coffee strong tea and coffee they are not recommended alcohol also is not good because we have said it increases the wearing of the intestinal lining that protective barrier another take-home message is that foods that are spiced
foods that are fatty they are also no recommended foods that are smoked they are not recommended for someone with peptic ulcers disease it is that we observe this diet very keenly because in as much as it looks simple but waits until the person is in pain then you realize it is not a simple thing but we can avoid it by being careful with what we are eating alongside other medications that have been prescribed by the doctor.
please thank you for listening thank you for finding time to tune into today's lesson and I request you to share this message with so many people because many people are suffering from peptic answers and they get a lot of information some of it which are not true but as you have seen my content is research-based and it is coming from less latest research so
it is worth sharing adopting and following for better and healthy lifestyle of ourselves and those that we care for till next time have a good time.