How do hormones influence us did you know that your brain is constantly communicating with the rest of your body?
Sending special chemicals called hormones from one nerve to another of course.
You did don't underestimate the power of hormones these microscopic in substance influence how your brain works and can increase or decrease your energy level, sex drive and fat storage they can even control your emotions and mood in short they're tiny but they pack a mighty punch dopamine people associate this hormone with pleasure and reward dopamine can make or break your work ethic it can motivate you to work hard or hardly work to achieve some result by studying rats scientists noted a strange tendency the animals were given a choice between two piles of food a small one or a big one the catch is that they put the big one behind a fence and guess what rats with a low level of dopamine never chose to make an effort in climbed the fence at the same time they're higher dopamine carrying counterparts storm the fence to reach the bigger pile follow me boys over the fence so don't forget to tip your hat to dopamine the next time you drag yourself out of bed in order to tackle the day and check all the points off your to-do list
you should also thank dopamine for that warm fuzzy feeling of pride and reward when you complete everything you wanted to do I'm so proud of course there is a downside a lot of illegal drugs and alcohol as well as coffee and candy make the body produce more dopamine no wonder these substances are addictive if you can't stop eating chocolate it's not you it's your body craving dopamine that lets me off the hook one more sign that you don't have enough of this hormone is slow and uncoordinated movements of your body on the flip side if you have too much of the chemical you might experience too many unnecessary movements or even repetitive tics if after learning this information you've realized that you urgently need more of this hormone in your body include the following dopamine boosting foods in your diet fish chicken eggs nuts beans and cheese what about the
chocolate serotonin this hormone is one of the happiness hormones surprisingly 90% of this chemical is in your
intestines and blood platelets which means that serotonin also plays an important role in digestive health its nickname is the feel-good hormone and not without reason if you sleep well have high self esteem are generally in a good mood enjoy a healthy appetite and
sexual desire or memorize everything easily your serotonin is definitely at a good level what's more having enough of this hormone helps you multitask people with
serotonin imbalance or deficiency suffer from anxiety panic attacks depression or even fits of anger and if you constantly get stuck on certain thoughts that seem more important than anything else in the world this is called obsessive behavior and a low level of serotonin is to blame to produce serotonin your body needs carbohydrates so eat more bananas and yogurt also try to get more sunlight as it helps your body produce vitamin D
which in turn helps with serotonin production just don't forget about the sunscreen oxytocin this hormone is the so-called love hormone baby and your body releases it when you touch someone near and dear to you whether it
be a friend a relative or lover oxytocin boosts your feeling of love and Trust which is why being in a
the relationship makes people happy high levels of oxytocin help you effectively fight stress increase sex drive and even lower your blood pressure if you feel lonely stressed tired or unworthy it may mean that your level of oxytocin is too low people with this kind of problem tend to stay at home avoid communication and never had the energy to meet up with others or keep up a conversation well it
may seem peaceful this reclusive lifestyle makes people with oxytocin deficiency unhappy they realize something is wrong but can't quite grasp what exactly is happening to them if you recognize your symptoms don't worry there are several tips to increase the level of the love hormone in your body, first of all, get a massage what yes you heard that correctly a massage will help you kill two birds with one stone your muscles will relax and such prolonged physical contact will release oxytocin into your system Plus anyone who's ever gotten a professional massage
noticed that it feels amazing so get to it one more thing to do is hug your friends and family members any chance
you get touch a colleagues arm while chatting or cuddle with your pet on the couch in the evening well as long as you don't have a Python as a pet yeah that's right who knew that hugs could benefit your health melatonin this awesome chemical is called the anti-aging hormone it's responsible for regulating your body clock and for recuperation and rest melatonin sets the pace for your
body letting it know what time of the day it is and even the time of year it's like a calendar hormone man as soon as
the Sunsets the pineal gland in your brain gets down to work popping out melatonin which in turn makes you sleepy the of this chemical in the system reaches its peak at 2 or 3 a.m. light receptors in the brain trigger melatonin
production, when it's dark which is the reason why blind people often have to take special supplements that help them regulate the level of melatonin in their body this hormone, is vital for people as it helps combat stress and even works as an antioxidant plus it helps you sleep who doesn't love dozing off into dreamland flying on the back of a dragon or being a rock star on a stage in front of millions of screaming fans or what about you know being naked in the church that's not good unfortunately nowadays electronic devices are keeping us from getting enough shut-eye by omitting a particular blue light that closely resembles daylight if you spend hours or just minutes before sleep staring at the screen of your cell phone or laptop melatonin production suffers the same thing though not to such an extent goes for street lights or any other sources
of lighting near you at bedtime melatonin deficiency leads to obesity diabetes and even cancer and that's not
something to take lightly I get the pun uh-huh so when you go to bed at night put away any device that is emitting blue light get blackout window shades or find a cute sleep mask eat some cherries before going to sleep.
since they're rich in melatonin also don't wear anything too tight to bed studies have proven that constrictive clothing can decrease the production of melatonin by as much as 60 percent endorphins now this hormone is a natural painkiller produced by your body it's known for its ability to deal with the pain caused both by internal and external factors endorphins don't get rid of the pain completely they just decrease its intensity that's why you can often find these chemicals and pharmaceutical painkillers another cool thing about endorphins is that they can make you feel absolutely legally when the pituitary gland starts pumping out endorphins your mood improves and you become euphoric and the more endorphins your body releases the happier you are that's why a lot of runners experienced the so-called runner's high when they push themselves to their physical limit instead of feeling exhausted they feel strong and ready to conquer the world so raise your cup - amazing endorphins this hormone also allows people to perform effectively in extreme conditions our ancestors managed to survive in a hostile environment because endorphins blocked pain giving them time to escape life-threatening situations, whoa saber-toothed tiger got to go people with a low level of endorphins are too
emotionally sensitive have an extremely low pain tolerance crave comfort foods and may even feel depressed to boost your level of endorphins you can follow a special diet containing foods rich in good fats like avocados olives and coconut again try to get out in the Sun more listen to your favorite music exercise regularly laugh more and eat some dark chocolate ooh dark chocolate now those are some satisfying tips to follow adrenaline also known as epinephrine your kidneys produce this hormone to help you deal with stress
when you find yourself in a tense situation two glands at the top of the kidneys release adrenaline to prepare you for fight or flight mode shall I stay or shall I go although some people believe that adrenaline lessens our pain it's not exactly true to be more precise it makes you concentrate on the most urgent tasks at the moment so you won't pay attention to your scraped knee while escaping from a burning building plus adrenaline helps you see better by dilating your pupils and allows you to
notice potential danger like your boss for instance earlier and avoid it adrenaline also helps you think 2 or 3 times more quickly by stimulating your brain this important hormone can stop a heart attack or an allergic reaction
maybe this fact will surprise you but epi-pens are named after adrenaline epinephrine adrenaline constricts your
veins which in turn causes your heart to pump more blood it also prevents the Airways from narrowing if a person is
having a life-threatening allergic reaction so that breathing returns to normal norepinephrine noradrenalin this
hormone also helps your body cope with a high-stress situation it's produced in the central nervous system and in the adrenal glands the effect noradrenalin has on your body is elevated blood pressure dilated pupils increased heart rate and widened air passages not to mention this hormone redirects the flow of blood from your skin to your muscles that's what your body needs to operate well in potentially dangerous or highly stressful situations norepinephrine isn't produced constantly but rather only when needed and disappears from the system after the threat is gone doctors use injections of norepinephrine during emergencies to restore critically low blood pressure the hormone narrows the blood vessels in the limbs and directs the blood flow to the most important organs the heart and the brain a deficiency of this chemical can lead to some mental health problems like depression anxiety and even eating disorders, in this case, people might feel
brain fog lack of interest in life and lethargy if this all, unfortunately, sounds familiar to you can try to balance your level of norepinephrine naturally by eating the right foods bananas beans chocolate cha cheese eggs chicken meat fish,
and seafood as well as oatmeal we'll help you out oatmeal alright that's enough doing exercise jumping into cold water or vice versa sweating in a sauna are other ways to increase norepinephrine in your system by two or three times so do you know any other interesting facts about hormones share with us in the comments below
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