Why we should be drinking lemon water every
the single day the average person does not know the
true benefits with the drinking of lemon water because it's actually quite amazing.
Drinking lemon water on a regular basis you have the potential to reduce a fatty liver now this is the phytonutrients in the lemon water that have the ability to greatly improve something called hepatic steatosis now what does hepatic mean liver what does steatosis mean that means the infiltration of fat
into the liver so hepatic steatosis means a fatty liver.
Lemon water has the ability to dissolve the fat in the liver there are other things as well like purifying bile salts
choline a low-fat diet as in the ketogenic diet can reduce up to 50 of the fat in your liver within 14 days but if you add a little lemon to your water you can actually speed things up all right.
Number two it can help reduce cholesterol not that cholesterol is a bad thing but let's say your liver is sluggish and your gallbladder's sluggish and you're not producing enough bio and that's kind of backing up in the system lemon water can help increase the flow of bile through the bile ducts and help remove some of the excess cholesterol that's kind of backing up in the system.
Number three weight loss now lemon water does not directly help you lose weight it can indirectly help you lose weight now quite a few studies on animals have shown this but i want to help you understand the mechanism certain phytonutrients in lemon water stimulate significantly lower blood sugars they reduce insulin resistance so they lower insulin and that is the reason why someone can lose weight in fact if you really want to know how to lose weight.
How to research how to lose weight I would research how to lower insulin because anything that lowers insulin is going to help you lose weight in fact the fat cells cannot shrink it's impossible for a fat cell to shrink without lowering insulin despite your calories all right.
Number four lemon has an anti-aging effect now yes the studies were done in animals but most studies do start in animals and then you progress to humans but in the five-week study, they lived it on average three weeks longer now you might be saying well that's not a long time but that's only five weeks think about if you started drinking lemon water on a regular basis for the rest of your life it could add up and they also found that lemon water extended the life of the microbiome your friendly bacteria which is pretty interesting all right.
Number five anti-cancer effects now I'm not telling you that lemon water is going to cure your cancer I'm not saying that but it's something you can add to help inhibit cancer in test tube studies it was found that certain phytonutrients in lemon water were able to kill malignant cancer of the tongue of the lung and the colon all right.
Number six and this is an important one the reduction of kidney stones citrate in lemon juice binds with this thing called oxalate now the most common type of kidney stone are oxalate stones calcium oxalate stones and so if you have citrate in your body it can bind with the oxalates to prevent the stone from occurring and so people that have a tendency to have kidney stones are usually low in citrates and if you're prone to kidney stones i would recommend increasing the amount of lemon juice to roughly about a half of a cup to a cup of lemon juice every single day now number seven it can potentially give you vitamin c but only if it's from actual lemons that have not been heated like in your lemon juice that you would get in a bottle so when you buy lemon juice at the store it normally comes pasteurized and the problem with vitamin c is that it's sensitive to heat it gets degraded and destroyed with heat so when you get bottled lemon juice you're really getting next to zero vitamin c but if you get your vitamin c from an actual lemon let's say you just take a lemon and you squeeze it into water one lemon can provide up to half of your daily recommended vitamin c or should i say like almost half so it gives you about 31 milligrams when you need like 70 to 75 per day and vitamin c is so good for the immune system it's good to prevent bleeding gums it's good to prevent spider veins it helps form collagen it helps keep your arteries from becoming damaged and many other things.
The last benefit of lemon water is in its phytonutrients and there are quite a few in these three phytonutrients there are
benefits in improving hemorrhoids leg sore circulation spider veins and varicose veins in fact one of the phytonutrients narenjian is being tested as a potential treatment
for Alzheimer's disease it's also very antibacterial it has antiviral properties as well as anti-fungal
Putting lemon in your water on a regular basis definitely add it with the apple cider vinegar in your water I would recommend the amount of lemon juice from the whole Mlemon or just a couple teaspoons but be consistent and include it in part of your liquids on a regular basis.