The food you eat can have a profound impact on the health of your skin and how quickly you age well.
An America's holistic plastic surgeon is conscious women over 30 to look their best by teaching.
The holistic approach to health and beauty and today I go over with you five food tips for younger and healthier skin these are little tips that you can take to change what you eat to make a huge impact on how your skin looks so the problem that we are focusing on today is that the food that you eat it's actually making you look older there are a lot of myths out there about healthy food.
I'll give you five very important tips today that you can follow starting today to improve the health of your skin and slow down that darn aging process so my number five tip is to eat healthy fats okay for a long time we were taught that fat is bad for you and so there was in the 90s and early 2000s this plethora of people who are eating low-fat diets or even nonfat diets we would have nonfat salad dressings we would have nonfat or low-fat peanut butter and what would happen is that these food companies would remove fat from the products but they would add sugar not so good so really what you have to realize is that we are figuring out and we are learning that fat isn't necessarily bad for you it's the type of fat that is the issue so there are healthy fats out there typically monounsaturated fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids that are actually good for you and the more you eat of that the better your skin will look these healthy fats can actually reduce inflammation and they can help moisturize your skin from the inside out so look for foods like wild-caught fish wild-caught salmon is a great food for your skin avocado is good for your skin olive oil is good just don't cook the olive oil use it as a dressing or a marinade and nuts are great sources of good healthy fats so stick with the healthy fats get rid of the saturated fats ideally reduce that if you can definitely get rid of the trans fats and the omega-6 fatty acids like what you find in vegetable oils like corn oil and soybean oil well my number four tipis to ditch dairy so dairy does not do a body good
you know the dairy industry has been very very powerful and the dairy Lobby has caused us to think that dairy is actually good for us well milk is good for you if you're in growing calf the problem with dairy is that it is inflammatory there are proteins in it that our body does not typically react well to and their sugars
An ell like lactose that a lot of people don't react to as well so if you've got issues with inflamed skin if you've got acne especially if you're an adult one of the first things I recommend is to reduce the amount of dairy that you eat because you're going to reduce the inflammation and you just may see your skin health improve and it may slow down that aging process as well so I am NOT a fan of dairy - in all honesty however I will have it occasionally with pizza because I can't completely give that up so you don't have to completely get rid of it but definitely reduce it as much as you can because it is not good for your skiwell you've heard this from your moms before eating fruits and vegetables ok and we know as time goes on that this is definitely what you need to do to have healthy skin fruits and vegetables have are filled with antioxidants and Phy nutrients and these antioxidants Are ypically in a lot of skins of these fruits and vegetables the actual pigment that gives these foods their color is the antioxidant so you don't necessarily want to have all of one color you want to eat the rainbow because as you're eating different colored fruits and vegetables you're going to be getting different types of antioxidants and different types of phytonutrients and all of these are great for your skin to
keep it looking young keep it looking subtle supple and to keep it looking hydrated and healthy so more fruits and veggies on that plate that's a good thing I
recommend that you get rid of processed foods
these are the easy foods to eat these are the types of foods that are in the center of the grocery store in the aisles trying to reduce or get rid of as
much of these processed foods as you can because they are filled with chemicals some of them have trans fats you know none of this is good for you and so if you can reduce the amount of processed food you're gonna reduce the amount of free radicals that your body is creating from these foods and you're slow down the aging process by reducing inflammation so eat real food mostly plants you've probably heard that before and finally this is probably the most important thing is to reduce your intake of sugar Americans we eat way too much sugar and I and if and if you remember one thing from this article remember that sugar equals wrinkles now it's not just desserts that you want to watch out for probably the most insidious source of sugar.
our diet are two things number one soda pop okay we drink so much soda pop and it's just empty calories with sugar so reduce the amount of soda pop you drink or completely get rid of it altogether an alternative to soda pop if you're looking for something sweet is a little bit of kombucha okay try that and see that may be a reasonable alternative
for you, the other area that we get a lot more sugar than we may realize is in white bread in rice and in noodles so really take a look and try to reduce the amount of pasta that you eat the Am nt of bread that you eat because that also turns into sugar in your system and when it's white over let's say whole grains it turns to sugar much more quickly because if the fiber has been stripped out of it okay so think about sugar equals wrinkles and reducing my sugar that you eat because that's really to help with your skin and here's a quick bonus okay if you say hey doctor you and I'm doing all that stuff I'm reducing my sugar I'm trying to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables I'm getting rid of that processed foods I Darry what else can I do try fasting and this is something that's new that people are learning you know it used to
be that you fasted for just let's say religious reasons or cultural reasons or some people fast to lose weight but did you know that fasting can actually help you look younger it's through the process of Etapa G when your body fasts your body enters this situation this scenario on the inside where it starts to actually eat up and remove some of the damaged organelles and intracellular components that have been just sitting there waiting to be basically removed this is cellular waste and by fasting your body will initially get rid of that and clean yourself up from the inside out now I know people who've done the five-day fasting-mimicking diet I've seen it in my with my own eyes I can see their skin actually glow afterward and while they're doing it because their body is getting rid of all that unhealthy substances and helping them to look better and feel better both on the inside and on the outside if you don't want to do with a five-day fasting-mimicking diet if that's a bit much for you try intermittent fasting very simply skip that nighttime snack and skip breakfast and then just eat lunch the next day drink a lot of liquids and that also can help with the process of autophagy or that cellular cleansing process is okay so if you're doing that as a bonus try a little bit of fasting.