Isolation and loneliness are one of the main causes of Heart Attacks, Stroke, Eating disorders, Drugs Abuse, Anxiety and Depression, and sleep disorder. Social media, laptops, and smart mobile have broken to some extent the loneliness. But face-to-face contact is granted spiritual and psychological satisfaction. Loneliness has a different effect on different ages individual. The location has the effect on loneliness also if a person sits in front of his house and watching the walking people and running the cars on the road and sometimes someone said him hello can change the loneliness effect. Reading books and newspapers is also the best weapon to break the loneliness effect.
Hormone Release during Loneliness
Hormones Released During Loneliness. We have a hormone released in a fight or flight situation is called norepinephrine, which released in excess amounts during loneliness. isolation or loneliness peoples are at high risk to suffer from High Blood Pressure, Weakened Immune System, Obesity. Depression, Anxiety, and even thoughts of suicide attempts. When someone faces regular loneliness the hormone cortisol release and goes up. Cortisol can impair cognitive performance, compromise the immune system, and increase your risk for vascular problems, inflammation, and heart disease.
Long Loneliness.
During a long loneliness period, the cortisol hormones increase in level and cause inflammation of weight gain, insulin resistance, impairment of memory, and sleep loss.
Emotional Loneliness.
By and large, it is expected that passionate forlornness alludes to the shortfall of a connection figure (along with sensations of detachment) and social depression as the absence of an informal organization, the shortfall of a circle of individuals that permits a person to foster a feeling of having a place, of organization
Stope The Loneliness.
Thinking of self-kindness.
1-Try to convert the present moment. ...
2-Think about the real situation in life.
3-Think about how to kill the biting time.
4-Do more things with people.
5-Talk to strangers.
6-Be active online
7-Walk in street.
8-Read books or newspapers.
9-Visit friends.