Intermittent fasting is the most important and most magical thing for you. What does intermittent fasting do well?
1- It actually increases your white blood cells it strengthens your immune system.
2-It increases stem cells with your immune system so it can revive and give you a new immune system.
If it's so if you have arthritis bursitis tendinitis any of those are going to go bye-bye it is a powerful stimulator of something called autophagy.
Which is the recycling of old damaged proteins in your skin hair nails your organs. It is one of the most powerful stimulators of growth hormone, growth hormone is all about fat burning it's all about anti-aging, exercise only will increase growth hormone by like I don't know 7-50 fasting can increase growth hormone by 2000 so why would anyone even hesitate from doing intermittent fasting. it can increase testosterone by 180 percent it greatly improves your mood so let's say you have depression or anxiety or you're not feeling that great you can bring your emotions up to a whole new level.
You feel more like yourself I mean that alone is huge intermittent fasting helps regrow your brain cells so your cognitive function improves memory concentration focus it is very beneficial if not essential for people with Alzheimer's Parkinson's dementia and the best way to kill cancer cells in the shrink tumors is fasting.
There are so many different epigenetic factors in relationship to cancer one is that it helps to recycle old damaged mitochondria and the reason why that's really important is that what causes cancer is damage within the mitochondria so if you can recycle and fix all the broken mitochondria you can really not just prevent cancer but you can help to slow it down and so one term related to that is not called autophagy. it's my autonomy but beyond that, I think the biggest and coolest thing that fasting can do for someone is fix a broken metabolism so if you have a slow metabolism it can give you a fast metabolism if you have this situation where you can only lose a certain amount because you hit this set point it can help bust through that and help you lose more and more because it fixes insulin resistance not to mention diabetes there are so many people studying this right now it's very exciting and the reason why intermittent fasting becomes easier as you do it is that your hunger completely goes away.
I mean trying to do any diet if you are hungry it's just not going to work not having a big appetite and definitely not craving just makes it doable and just it makes it easy now real quick I just wanted to mention this amazing success story of a person who is completely depressed suicidal nothing was going right in his life and so he decided to commit suicide and the way he was going to do it was he was going to starve himself so he went to his room laid out on his bed and stopped eating for three days so you can guess what happened after the second and third day he started feeling better and better and he no longer had depression.
He felt energy he felt better so his plan backfired and so he got on the internet and started searching about fasting and he found that's we did an interview and it completely changed his life.
Fasting is a very simple way I'm going to show you a very gradual way to get into fasting so you can go as fast or as slow as you want but I want to make it very simple now intermittent fasting is a pattern of eating and not eating it's not a diet so we want to combine the ketogenic diet with, the fasting part the pattern of eating all right first thing is starting out worst-case scenario let's say you're doing three meals a day and three snacks like I were and at night you're just grazing with chips and nuts and you just do that until you go to sleep now realize that every time you eat you stimulate insulin.
we have three big spikes of insulin and then we have also three kinds of mini spikes of insulin because every time you eat you trigger insulin so there is just absolutely zero chance of losing weight with that pattern of eating so the first thing to do is just to eliminate the snacks.
what you can actually do is change your snacks to maybe protein or fat and then push them to the meal so that way they're no longer a snack they're part of the meal so the first step is doing three meals no snacks now just to make it easier on yourself you want to add more fat to the meal to be more satisfied so you can go longer the goal at this stage is to start to reduce insulin and to go longer in between meals that's your goal because snacking is deadly now of course if you cut out the carbs the same time it's going to make it easier because carbs drop your blood sugars and then now you're going to be hungry so if you combine keto with this it's going to be really easy all right so we go in the first stage three meals no snacks you do that for a few days and what's happen is you're wake up in the morning you're not be hungry anymore and so if you're not hungry just don't eat you might want to write that on your refrigerator it's very important because we don't want to eat out of habit or schedule.
we want to eat when our bodies are telling us to eat and so if you're not hungry guess what your body is eating but it's eating your own fat and that is the goal so don't screw it up by eating and then also now you're hungry an hour and a half later so the most important thing at this next phase is to take your breakfast and keep pushing it more towards your lunch to the point where it becomes your lunch okay so we're just combining our breakfast and lunch together and a lot of times my first meal is my breakfast i'll have eggs or bacon avocado now you can also do the bulletproof coffee just to make it easier but i find this stage goes pretty quick you might even be able to jump into this within the next day because as soon as you start reducing the frequency of eating your hunger goes down because we start making the switch from burning sugar to burning fat all right so we got rid of our snacks we're doing three meals a day we're adding fat to the meal and then we're going to skip breakfast now we're at two meals per day so let's say for example you eat at noon and then that's six that gives you a fasting pattern of 16 hours of fasting with an eight hour eating window now when I mention the eating window you probably are going to be fasting through that window as well we could add those hours but for this example we're not going to add those hours we're only going to count the point where the last
the meal is and then all the way to the next day to the first meal okay so that pattern is sixteen and eight and for convenience, you can do twelve and six you can do eating at one pm to seven or two to eight depending on what your schedule is you can adjust that all right so now you're at 16 8 you're going to start to see some amazing results okay the best way you know it's working is your appetite goes away okay that's the most important indicator, not weight loss, not even energy
all right if you want to see more results we bring it to the next stage and if you can look below in this chart you're still doing two meals but you take these two meals and start squishing them together so this is where I am at now.
I’ll do two meals and they're within a four-hour eating window so that gives me 20 hours of fasting that's huge if you can do 20 hours of fasting you see amazing benefits, not just with your weight with your cognitive function with your immune system your body even starts making more antioxidants your stress goes down I mean it's just very remarkable all right so at this stage your pattern is 20 and four and let's say your meals were between 12 noon and 4 or 1 and 5 or 2 and 6 so just adjust that to your schedule all right so this is where a good amount of people pretty much stay at this level but let's say you want to take it to the next level and let's say you're over the age of 50 like I am I'm 56 and you have a slow metabolism and you
want to have more I don't know improvement with your brain for example you want to have less inflammation with your joints you want to have a better immune system you want
to speed up the loss of belly fat this is what you do you go to what's called
nomad one meal a day that gives you a
the pattern of 23 hours of fasting and one
hour of eating now with this meal you
want it very large you want to make sure
it's nutrient-dense but realize that all
the nutritional requirements actually go down when you do one meal a day your body adjusts and so you don't actually need the number of nutrients because your body becomes very efficient and at this stage, I always have to remind people don't eat if you're not hungry just ride the wave for some people who are who have a lot of fat to lose and they have a slow metabolism sometimes they're not even hungry in a given day so what I will tell them is just go another day fast as long as you can and some people fast for three days and they lose a ton of weight and they feel great so I have a lot of videos on making this transition but in this video
let's just stop at one meal a day if you add exercise to this it's going to be even more deadly powerful but i just wanted to give you the overview of the picture of how it goes and you can plug in wherever you want to plug in go at your own pace make it easier in yourself but I really want you to get started so you can personally experience.