Animal Liver and green leafy vegetable mix diet is one of the most richest diet on this planet ,a billion dollars research I am pasting my article ,wish to see all live without any health problem which made them disable.
They contains vitamins A, C, K, foliate (B9), calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, and potassium, along with some protein, lots of fibre made up of complex carbohydrates (the “good” carbs), and antioxidant . and Liver contains .. Folate, iron, vitamin B, vitamin A, Vitamin B12, copper.
Antioxidants are cancer prevention agents do?
Cancer prevention agents are man-made or normal substances that might forestall or postpone a few sorts of cell harm. Eats fewer carbs high in vegetables and natural products, which are great wellsprings of cell reinforcements, have been viewed as solid; in any case, research has not demonstrated cancer prevention agent enhancements to be valuable in forestalling infections
Eating 2 times in a week help you meet recommended amount of all of these vitamins and minerals, reducing your risk of UN wanted nutrient deficiency..
In one plate you can take .Vitamin,A,B,B9, Vitamin K,Folate, Copper,Potassium,Magnesium,Good carb and anti-oxidant..
If we mix green paper with the same liver and green leafy vegetable, it will make the diet more powerful nutrition, will provide the body with a number of essential nutrients, including antioxidants and fiber. .Good For Gut Health. Promotes Heart Health. Promotes Eye Health. Promotes Weight Management. Rich Source Of Antioxidants. .
One large green paper has 33 calories and leafy greens can offer numerous health benefits including reduced risk of obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure and mental illness.
We aged and young both male and female must try top 5 leafy green vegetables at interval weekly,use to take mix diet of green leafy vegetable.
1-Microgreens is antioxidants, contain higher vitamin, mineral .
2-Collard Greens. 190 grams of cooked collard greens packs 1,045% of the DV for vitamin K .not permite blood to collete and improve bone health.
3- Cabbage. health benefits of Cabbage is to keep healthy strong digestion and supporting your immune system and reduce weight.
4- Watercress.A Test-tube studies of watercress extract to be beneficial in targeting cancer stem cells and impairing cancer cell reproduction and invasion in body.
5- Bok Choy.A good source of the mineral selenium, which plays an important role in cognitive function, immunity and cancer prevention.
We should must try to take the said green leafy vegetable in interval weekly, it is cheap easy to cock and easy to digeste and provide safty even from cancer cell and the best protection and safety provide to health is anti- oxidant properties of these green leafy vegetable.A laxative diet keeps clean the intestine and passes the stool at once without any kind of pain or hardness or advancing ordinary defecations, especially in elders.
Those peoples are eating that has neither issue of gas fullness in lower abdomen, nor complaint of eyesight and fell active because these are full of mineral and vitamin.
In addition a cup of coffee after the diet taking provides an amazing nutrition power to the body. A cup of Coffee contains vitamins and minerals.
A single serving has
1-118mg potassium,
2-7.2mg magnesium,
3- 7.1mg of phosphorus,
4- 0.1mg of manganese,
5-4.7mcg of folate,
6-6.2mg of choline,
7-4.8mg sodium.
Price of the green vegetable
1- Price of Cabbage 1 kg 1 kg is on around $0.58
2- Price of Black Coffee cup of hot is $2.70
3- Price of Watercress. Size: 24s is 2.28 per 1 kg
4- Price of Microgreens is $25 – 40 per pound.
5- Price of Collards Green fresh is $0.65
6- Price of hot boil 1 egg is 15/piece.
Why I Am Agianst Too Much Salt.
Inordinate pungent eating regimen SalIt could raise your possibilities of things like extended heart muscle, migraines, cardiovascular breakdown, hypertension, kidney infection, kidney stones, osteoporosis, stomach disease, and stroke.23-Mar-2021
Then why buy costly tonics in tablets ,inject able and syrup form, which we take for one kind of weakness that creates more other organ weakness due to side effects, If you are taking tonic that will cause constipation or loss stole.
The best to live long and healthy free of joints pain blood pressure kidney problem and mental illness please try to same schedule weekly 3 time or 2 times. You will fell yourself very strong healthy and free of mental tensions,
This diet is fully free from sugar fats with a little salt and carbohydrate and when you take you will not fell hunger in next 5 hours.. if there is no fats and sugar and carb in your diet from where you belly fats will be accumulated in the body, how your cholesterol will be increase to push you cardiac illness, Do not eat much sugar salt and glucose or carb ,always take pure fats in a low quantity and burn that fat as energy for body to perform daily activities.
Green leafy vegetable is laxative, no constipation no files or Haemorrhoid no appendix no fullness of abdomen so then why you will fell not happy and relaxed.