When I see the benefits of eating vegetables - I wonder how Allah has not put anything in this vegetable to protect the human body from diseases - we lack the knowledge of vegetables so we are not interested in eating vegetables.
Don't eat chicken, beef, or mutton. No, Eating meat is very important but it is not a bad thing if you include vegetables in your diet. Vegetables are easy to get and not expensive and easy to cook Is an invaluable gift.
The use of vegetables during the disease is especially emphasized. The benefits of fresh and green leafy vegetables for good health are obvious. Vegetables contain all the nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and especially fiber. Eating vegetables keeps a person healthy and strong. If there is no salad in the food, the food does not taste good. Eating raw carrots and radishes is fun. Carrots contain vitamin A. Radish is good for eyes and liver diseases and digestion. For him, eating pumpkin is a Sunnah of the Prophet. There are many benefits to eating pumpkin curry. Pumpkin oil is useful for lowering blood pressure and cancer.
It is high in iron and salts. Spinach strengthens the liver. It cleans the blood. Beneficial in paralysis and relieves the hardening of blood vessels. Lowers blood pressure. Eating mud and coal makes children pale and bloated. Feed such children spinach, fenugreek, and turnips frequently. In case of jaundice, mix leaf soup with salt and drink it. Grind spinach and apply it to
the roots of the hair to wash the head after one hour. Useful for teeth and gums.