If after 3rd booster dose of vaccine cannot satisfy the nation then why still pinch with vaccination and are preparing the next additional 4rth dose of vaccination. All vaccine manufacturing companies spoke many times that vaccines are not very effective against
coronavirus. We have experienced that even after the 3rd dose of the vaccine many thousand people have suffered from omicron.
Do we throw the mask, can we enjoy gathering friends together.
Actually, no one has the answer to this simple question. From my birth till now I have been listening and reading that soon they will kill the AIDS virus in Africa, the USA, and Europe. But I am really surprised by one excellent job of exporting when they finished smallpox from world ground and controlled to some extent TB and ended polio by vaccination in the world. But why failed against Covid-19.
I thought Covid is totally a disease of immunity. Then why do we not have another line of protection from Covid -19? If the doctor export decides that vaccination is more the choice because they have experienced. Indirectly we can boost our immunity like in Israel it is clear from his DAAT that that got a severe covid whose vitamin D LEVEL WAS BELOW 20 NANOGRAM. The second excellent clear evidence is the best diet and good sleep and simple walking.
The world's top Nutritionist, Immunity exports, Virologists, and Doctors sit together and decide a diet plan for the whole world population. In Israel study showed that Vitamin D LOWER LEVEL PERSON REALLY SUFFERED BADLY AND THOSE HAS SUFFICIENT VITAMIN D LEVEL HAS HIT THE CORONA.
tHEN DO NOT SPEND BILLION OF DOLLARS ON VACCINATION WHY NOT DISTRIBUTE FREE SUPPLEMENT OF VITAMIN D, ZINC AND VITAMIN K2 PLUS CALCIUM in population schools and university or they can run both vaccination and vitamin supplements together.
People aged or young who suffered from any illness like Sugar, Bone Joint pain, Cardiac disease, Blood Pressure, chest problem or weak health must start immediately
1-Vitamin D
2-Vitamin k2
4-Vitamin A.
Please take care of your dear.