Israel is active in vaccination and protection against viral infections. The mutated polio virus escaped from vaccination, the mutated poliovirus after strong vaccination could pose a serious threat to the world working to eradicate polio. The modified poliovirus survives the heavy and if its spread is not controlled, active vaccination could become a challenge in the future.
Changed means the old poliovirus has changed its structure and challenged polio vaccination. The Israel health department is working hard on the newly modified poliovirus, but if it cannot be contained in Israel before it spreads, then the new mutated poliovirus has challenged that vaccination could spread to the rest of the world.
Israel must share the particular of newly mutated poliovirus with the world and other countries must try to trace the newly
mutated virus in their countries. Israel's neighboring countries are more valuable for the newly mutated poliovirus. The virus is detected and we know the virus habit is to spread so the concerned authority must focus on how to stop the spreading of the virus.
Because the mutated poliovirus is looking of great concern, it should be know-how is a mutation that escapes has from the immune system or vaccination.